Pictures of Weekend Seminar with Grandmaster Kim November 2006
These are pictures taken of the weekend seminar where we brought up 9th
Degree black belt Grandmaster Kim on November 10th through the 12th 2006.
Most of these pictures are courtesy Sandy Priest and David Curtis. Some are
from Bill and Susan Hodge. The event was held at the FtLupton Recreation Center
in FtLupton Colorado.
For more information on the seminar click
Note: These are all thumbnails of the pictures. If you click on a picture you can
pull up a full size image of the picture (other than the random picture at the top).
Practice of basics (Photo courtesy Bill and Susan Hodge)
Forms practice, with Master Kluzek, Master Gerry, and a purple belt.
Practice with head blocking and blocking of a stick attack...
The last two are courtesy Bill and Susan Hodge.
Sparring practice. Including practice of stepping to the outside with the block.
The last one is courtesy Bill and Susan Hodge.
Demonstrations for the Family Demo. Self Defense from knife and kicking demonstration.
Nice, unsupported board break!
Breaking for Family demonstration.